Work with blobs --------------- **Add a Blob to a file** When uploading a blob, you can choose to do a chunked upload by passing ``chunked=True`` to the upload method. If the file is too big (``> constants.CHUNK_LIMIT``) it will be chunked automatically even without this argument. An interrupted chunked upload can be resumed by relaunching the upload command with the same batch and blob. .. code:: python from nuxeo.models import Document, FileBlob from nuxeo.exceptions import UploadError # Create a file new_file = Document( name='foo', type='File', properties={ 'dc:title': 'foo', }) file = nuxeo.documents.create(new_file, parent_path='/') # Create and upload a blob blob = FileBlob('/path/to/file') try: uploaded = nuxeo.uploads.upload(blob, chunked=True) except UploadError: # The blob wasn't uploaded despite the 3 retries, # you can handle it however you like and relaunch # the same command # Attach it to the file operation ='Blob.AttachOnDocument') operation.params = {'document': '/foo'} operation.input_obj = uploaded operation.execute()