Source: user/user.js

'use strict';

const extend = require('extend');
const Base = require('../base');

 * The `User` class wraps an user.
 * **Cannot directly be instantiated**
class User extends Base {
   * Creates a User.
   * @param {object} user - The initial user object. This User object will be extended with user properties.
   * @param {object} opts - The configuration options.
   * @param {string} opts.users - The {@link Users} object linked to this user.
  constructor(user, opts) {
    this._users = opts.users; = {};
    this._dirtyProperties = {};
    extend(true, this, user);

   * Sets user properties.
   * @param {object} properties - The properties to set.
   * @returns {User}
   * @example
   * user.set({
   *   firstName: 'new first name',
   *   company: 'new company',
   * });
  set(properties) {
    this._dirtyProperties = extend(true, {}, this._dirtyProperties, properties);
    return this;

   * Gets a user property.
   * @param {string} propertyName - The property name, such as 'fistName', 'email', ...
   * @returns {User}
  get(propertyName) {
    return this._dirtyProperties[propertyName] ||[propertyName];

   * Saves the user. It updates only the 'dirty properties' set through the {@link User#set} method.
   * @param {object} [opts] - Options overriding the ones from this object.
   * @returns {Promise} A promise object resolved with the updated user.
  save(opts = {}) {
    const options = this._computeOptions(opts);
    return this._users.update({
      properties: this._dirtyProperties,
    }, options);

module.exports = User;