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Nuxeo 5.7.1 Tag Release Notes

For Users

Nuxeo Drive

The main feature of the 5.7.1 with DAM. Nuxeo Drive enables bidirectional synchronization of content between the local desktop and the Nuxeo content repository, on premise or in the Cloud. It works with all applications built on the Nuxeo Platform, including Document Management, Digital Asset Management, Case Management, or a custom content-centric application.


Customizable with Nuxeo Studio

Redesign from the ground up using ContentView, Layouts and widgets. It makes every part of DAM screen (search panel, result panel, asset view) easy to customize using Nuxeo Studio.

Browse all Assets from the Repository

All the assets of the repository are displayed (not just the one under "Media Library")

DAM Drag and Drop

You can now drag and drop as many assets as you want in the New Asset window:

Assets Browsing

Asset View


A new application based on Apache Cordova, bringing multi-OS support. It can be used as a framework to build your own mobile application based on Nuxeo. Using Nuxeo Webengine and JQuery Mobile, it proposes the following features: Saved search, browsing, upload and download of documents, integration with native phone API.

CSV Importer

We have a new module allowing import of documents from a CSV file (1). Here's how it works: click on Import a CSV, choose the CSV file, click on import and documents will be created using properties from the CSV (only scalar metadata).

You can specify a folder in Nuxeo.conf where the importer will look for binaries. Just make sure you put their relative path in the CSV.

(1)CSV import sample

User Experience

The platform screens have been redesigned and improved. More than eighty issues about the user experience, user interface and styles have been resolved.

Safe Edit: Never lose your Forms

When editing a document, if the user tries to exit a page with unsaved changes then a popup window asks him if he really wants to leave the page (and if so discard the changes) or if he wants to stay on the page.

Where supported (i.e. localstorage available in the browser), a modification in the edited form triggers the autosave mechanism which records the new input values of the form. If the editing is accidentally lost (e.g. system / browser crash, network failure, etc ...), then the next time the user edits the page, the previous modifications will be detected from the local storage and the user will be asked whether to restore them or not.

Bulk Edit in listing

We have enabled Bulk Editing for document listing. It's now easy to show a form in a popup, displaying any layout you want, and that applies to documents you've selected.

Content Thumbnails

Thumbnail can be automatically generated for pdf or image documents using the main file of a document. It's also possible to contribute a thumbnail adapter for a specific document type or Facet. This is useful mainly for files other than pictures.

The generation of these thumbs is asynchronous, thanks to the use of workers. There is also a default placeholder showed when the generation isn't finished, or if Nuxeo could not generate the thumb.

Back Navigation

We've enhanced the back navigation of your browser using HTML5 pushState.

Permlink available for any Asset

Every Asset now has an accessible and sharable permlink for you to share.


Use tags in searches

You can now add tags in your search form. Whether you're using the advanced search form, any faceted search, a content view query or a query operation. It works because we've added tag suppport to NXQL.

Saved Search Management Tab

Every saved search is listed on a home tab, a subtab for dam, a subtab for faceted search. You can share those saved searches with other users using the manage/rights tab.

Search Panel


We've made many improvements in the Quota Marketplace package.

Global Quotas Activation, Quotas can be activated in the admin center

Once it's activated, everything statistical are automatically computed.

Administrators can see (in Manage > Quotas > Stats) the following statistics :

A graphical representation of those 3 statistics.

A content view with the title "Sub Folders" with the listing of subfolders

Return meaningful error message when encountering a Quota error

User Workspace Quota Management Activation

As the Administrator of the system, you can enable Quota on user workspaces (radio button) with a default value (slider). The value is the same for all the user workspaces.

Quota processing now uses its own work queue.

Issues List


Marketplace Package

The BIRT Connector has been aligned on BIRT 4.2.2. It means that you can create your report in BIRT Designer 4.2.2. We also made some significant ergonomy enhancements on the admin center UI and we've added parameter validation when generating a report.

Content Routing

A main workflow tab can be enabled to list running workflow tasks. This way you can select several tasks, and hence do bulk validation.

Content routing prefetch has been made more efficient, which improves performances.

There is a new operation to start a workflow

Redirect user when she has no more rights to read the document after changing the state of the workflow

Filter system workflow related documents from search

Issues list

Jenkins Report Module

We have a new module available in the marketplace. It's an integration between Jenkins and Nuxeo that we use internally. It helps us keep track of our CI, see it's evolution and easily send a report of the state of the CI to our developers. Here's an example of the email we receive:
Hello devs! Here's a status of our CI main jobs on Jenkins. Current number of failing jobs: 3. Current number of unclaimed jobs: 1. Duty comments: To see the complete report click here. Cheers!