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5.9.2 Release Notes

For Developers

JavaScript SDK

The JavaScript Client SDK is fully part of the Nuxeo Platform. Two implementations are provided. One uses node.js primitives, one is based on JQuery XHR. The client exposes:

Client is packaged using bower for the JQuery implementation, and NPM for the node implementation. Clients are under continuous integration using phantom.js.

Migration to Maven 3

As of this new release, Nuxeo Platform is built using Maven 3. This has been made possible because we have written a new version of our assembly plugin compatible with Maven3. See NXP-13555.

Token Based Authentication Management & OAuth 2.0 Support

Exploding demand of API use makes it necessary to provide easy means for developers to manage authentication of the applications they develop, let it be on JavaScript based app, iOS, Python (with Drive)… The token based authentication service, implemented initially for the requirements of Nuxeo Drive is extracted and generalized, made available to the Nuxeo Platform developers. In the same time, OAuth 2.0 support is added, so as to provide as an option a very secured way of handling the authentication process.

JSF State and HTTP Session Debug

We have added new debugging tools to inspect the JSF state and the HTTP session.

This module provides a WebEngine access to inspect the JSF state of a faces view. It is useful to figure out the size of the http session and the complexity of implemented view.

Java 8 Support

This new release has been tested with Java 8. You can see the list of changes on NXP-13570.

NXQL Query and Fetch

Using the queryAndFetch method you can now use COUNT, AVG, SUM, MIN and MAX in your NXQL queries. Again, this only work when using queryAndFetch. See NXP-13708 for reference.