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5.9.4 Release Notes

For Developers

Content Automation

Parameterised Automation Chains and Other Productivity Improvements on Automation

Users can design automation chains with parameters, saving a great number of chains whose structure is repeated with only a few changes in operations parameters.

The readability of an automation chain is improved with a better visibility of arguments values.

Finally, we provide a text mode for automation chain edition, that will facilitate some refactoring, and also make it easy to transfer to support a chain definition, or to build new documentation samples.

New Operations for Collections Management

We have added new operations dedicated to collections management. You can now use AddToCollection, RemoveFromCollection, CreateACollection and GetAllDocumentsFromCollection. Their name speak for themselves.

Implement a YAML Converter for Automation Chains

YAML representation of chains is now visible in the platform. Here is an example for the validateDocument chain:


- Context.FetchDocument
- Document.SetLifeCycle:
    value: approve
- Document.CheckIn:
    version: minor
    comment: Automatic checkin after validation


CMIS Rendition

Renditions from the RenditionService are now exposed as CMIS renditions of kind "nuxeo:rendition", with a name that's based on Rendition name. For example "nuxeo:rendition:pdf" for the "pdf" rendition.

A <renditionDefinition> must now define a <contentType> element if it wants to be exposed to CMIS.

CMIS Content Streams

Nuxeo CMIS content streams support HTTP cache and last modified headers.

Mail Folder

If used extensively, the Mailbox Folder could present some performance issues. We have added some new system properties to help fine tune the IMAP configuration.

We have also added locking at 2 levels: