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7.2 Release Notes

For Administrators

JDK 1.8+ is required (version 8u25 minimum)

ExifTool Setup | Third Party Software Requirement

The following documentation provides guidelines to download/setup ExifTool program. This tool is replacing Mistral for binaries metadata extraction.

Bridge CMISQL to Elasticsearch

To send the CMISQL queries to Elasticsearch, you can set the following property:


This will make your CMIS integration benefit from the scalability of the Elasticsearch engine.

Elasticsearch Reindexing Refactoring

The reindexing operations are now faster because of better parallelisation and improved usage of the Elasticsearch bulk mode. See the tuning options available.

The new Admin > Elasticsearch > Admin tab now displays much more options to reindex:

MongoDB HA Configuration

It is now possible to configure the db name, as well as the replica sets, the credentials and other options.

Property nuxeo.mongodb.dbname can be used to define the database name. The default is "nuxeo". Property nuxeo.mongodb.server can be used for credentials, replica sets, and options, as described in MongoDB documentation.

Nuxeo Drive Beta Channel

As Nuxeo Drive can now be configured to be updated through a beta channel, the beta update site URL is set in the Nuxeo server by the org.nuxeo.drive.beta.update.site.url property, whose default value is set to http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive-tests/ in the nuxeo-drive Marketplace package. As any other Framework property it can be overridden in nuxeo.conf.

Recompute Picture Views

Recomputation of picture views can now be asynchronously launched in Admin > Imaging, through a NXQL query.

S3 BinaryManager and Big Files

AWS S3 connector has been improved for dealing with multi-part upload of big files, which allows to go over the previous limitation of 5 gigabits files.

Oracle 12 Support

Support of Oracle 12 has been validated.

Escaping Configuration Variables

The Nuxeo Platform now enables you to generate extensions containing variables resolved at runtime through the templating system. You can read more about it on JIRA and in the documentation.

Social Collaboration Migration

We wrote a SQL script to update data created with the Social Collaboration addon to be usable in a default Nuxeo Platform. The script can be found in the Social Collaboration GitHub reporsitory.