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7.3 Release Notes

For Users

Live Connect for Google Drive / Dropbox

Live Connect allows you to create a content application that handles cloud files (Dropbox, Google Drive, in the future One Drive, Box...) as if they were local files. Files remain in the cloud but they are referenced in the Nuxeo repository as if they were stored within it. This allows the user to benefit from thumbnailing service, full text, conversions, etc. Live Connect for Google Drive also brings the "Cloud Edit" mode. Your application based on the Nuxeo Platform can provide the users with a direct link to the SaaS applications that you can use for editing Google Drive files (Google Docs, Office 365, Pixlr, etc.). The following documentation will explain you how to use it.

PDF Viewer

A PDF viewer has been integrated, based on the pdf.js lib. It provides the ability to zoom, rotate, and access a specific page, as well as support the streaming of the PDF when the file is large, starting the display of the first pages as soon as they are downloaded. The preview chain for office documents now goes through PDF formatting in order to use this viewer for viewing any Office file. This PDF viewer is made available via a simple URL that accepts the URL of the file to preview as a parameter. See the documentation for more information.

File Dispatching

An abstract base class of BLOB Manager is made available for implementing a storage policy and decide that some BLOBs are stored on S3 or locally, or on different on premise storage systems. The policy can take into account:

Media Content Publishing

A new plugin has been added that allows for publishing content on the cloud. This plugin can provide multiple target implementations. Currently, implementations for YouTube and Wistia are provided. User can publish a video either to the YouTube or Wistia site, get a link to the published asset and also get the HTML snippet for embedding it. User can also view from Nuxeo Platform the statistics of the videos, such as the number of views. This is great for using Nuxeo Platform as a DAM repository and then easily push your content online. One could also add implementations for other online publishing sites, such as Slideshare, Vimeo, and many more. Please read the documentation and do not hesitate to contribute!

Cloud Services Management Screen in Home and Admin Center

Users are able to manage their OAuth tokens via the Cloud Services section from where they can connect to different cloud services, such as Dropbox, GooglePlus and Google Drive. It is also possible to share a token with other groups of users. This can be useful, for example, with Media Content Publishing, if you want to share a YouTube or Wistia account with multiple users in your department.

Web Authentication for Drive

A web window is now used the first time a user authenticates with Nuxeo Drive against a Nuxeo Platform server. This allows to use the same authentication protocols as the one configured on the Nuxeo Platform Web UI, such as an SSO system, SAML, Shibboleth, etc.

Logging of File Download

All file downloads now take place in the same component that tracks the downloads and logs them in the audit trail. This is the beginning of a series of improvements we have planned pertaining to downloads.

Saved Search

Saved searches sort criteria is now saved. In next release, it will also be possible to edit it.

Full Path Is Visible on the the Root Selector of Publishing Tab

On the publishing tab, users can set publishing target preferences. Previously, only the name of the selected folder was displayed. The path is now also displayed, to ensure the target folder is the correct one as intended by the user, and not a different folder elsewhere that has the same folder name.

Setting Lifecycle State When Using CSV Import

In the CSV importer, it is now possible to define the lifecycle state the imported document should have. For more information, read the following documentation.

Video Player Can Be Used with Any Property

You can use the native video player with any binary property your configured with Nuxeo Studio on your content type.