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7.4 Release Notes

For Users


The Permissions tab (former Access Rights tab) has been rewritten to add new features and improve global user experience. A new tab has also been added in the Admin Center for offering new ACLs management capabilities.

Drive Edit Link on Documents Listings

For each document that has a file, it is now possible on the main documents listing view to edit one of them with the Drive Edit feature.

Data Visualization

A new addon deploys dashboards accessible from workflow models in Admin Center. Those dashboards provide information about the workflows like average execution length, top assignees, etc. They are samples of what can be done on workflow data processing thanks to our new data visualization kit.

Furthermore a new permission has been added and can be used on workflow models for determining who has access to the workflow related information aggregation.

Nuxeo Review Workflows Dashboards is available from the Nuxeo Marketplace.

Search Improvements

Quick Search Now Uses Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch is used for the quick search, which offers better performances and allows to use specific search behaviors such as phrase search, ngrams, etc..

Better Management of Accents

Default fulltext analyzer now can search on accented word with wildcard (déj*) and supports HTML tags conversion (indexing real accents and not the strings that produce the accents in HTML).

Technical Metadata Removed from Index

Irrelevant fields that add noise to index are now removed (ex:thumb:thumbnail, picture:views, common:icons).

Search Events Logged

Audit Trail is enriched with a new type of events: search events. It is possible to enable search tracking on a per search filter basis.

Do Not Display Search Result First

An option is now available on content views so that search is not run the first time the search page is displayed.

Look'n Feel Refresh

The Nuxeo Platform UI has been refreshed and updated in the mean time for a better experience and a smoother feeling. In addition we increased the adaptiveness and reactiveness of the forms, and the readability of tables. The login page layout has been updated. No more top bar, no more links, just the essential. The page layout has been reviewed to improve responsiveness. Left columns and main area are now independent, you can browse and scroll the part you need without disturbing the rest of the layout. The footer is now only visible at the end of the scroll, to let you focus on your tasks and things that matters in your workflow.

Labels Have Been Capitalized

We did an effort for correctly capitalizing most of the labels of the default application.

Unpublish a Media from Nuxeo Platform Web UI

A button has been added to be able to unpublish a video from Wistia or YouTube directly from Nuxeo Platform Web UI.

Compare Images

The Nuxeo Diff plugin now works with pictures, and displays a dialog where the user can spot the differences between two pictures (must be of the same format and same dimensions). The dialog also lets the user set-up a "Fuzzy" comparison parameter (to remove noise when comparing JPEGs for example), and to choose the colors used for to highlight the differences.

Preview Screenshot and Storyboard Generation Can Be Configured

Preview screenshot and storyboard can now be configured on the VideoService:

The default contribution is (same as before the possibility to configure it):

<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.video.service.VideoService" point="configuration"> <configuration> <previewScreenshotInDurationPercent>10.0</previewScreenshotInDurationPercent> <storyboardMinDuration>10</storyboardMinDuration> <storyboardThumbnailCount>9</storyboardThumbnailCount> </configuration> </extension>

Nuxeo for Salesforce

A new addon is available for integrating Nuxeo Platform and Salesforce. Nuxeo for Salesforce enables to drag'n drop documents from Salesforce UI into the Nuxeo Platform, with automated information linking (customer name, opportunity ID, ...). From Salesforce user can browse SF objects related documents, see their history, use Direct Edit link, metadata, etc. This addon is also available as a plugin on the Salesforce AppExchange marketplace.

Default Filename for Renditions

Rendition filenames are now computed in the Automation Renderer class, with the following logic: if the blob has a filename it uses it otherwise it uses the document title. If the blob has an extension, it uses it, or it looks for the mime-type, or it chooses ".bin".

New Samples for Template Rendering

A set of new samples have been implemented for letting you discover the best of what you can do with Nuxeo Platform Rendering. Have a look at them by installing the Nuxeo Template Rendering Samples package.

No More Limit with CMIS Upload

The 4GB limit has been removed.

Invite a User with Email Only

It is possible to specify only the email when inviting a user, in that case email will be used as the username. With Shibboleth plugin, it will be changed at first logging, depending on the configuration.