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8.1 Release Notes

For Administrators

S3 Configuration via Extension Point

Customers needing to connect to more than one S3 binary managers with different configurations are now able to do so using the new configuration extension point of org.nuxeo.ecm.core.blob.BlobManager. Previously only one bucket could be configured in nuxeo.conf.

<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.core.blob.BlobManager" point="configuration">
    <blobprovider name="default">
        <property name="awsid">your_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID</property>
        <property name="awssecret">your_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY</property>
        <property name="region">us-west-1</property>
        <property name="bucket">your_s3_bucket_name</property>
        <property name="bucket.prefix">myprefix/</property>
        <property name="directdownload">true</property>
        <property name="directdownload.expire">3600</property>
        <property name="cachesize">100MB</property>
        <property name="crypt.keystore.file">/my/keystore.jks</property>
        <property name="crypt.keystore.password">password</property>
        <property name="crypt.key.alias">mykey</property>
        <property name="crypt.key.password">password</property>
        <property name="connection.max">50</property>
        <property name="connection.retry">3</property>
        <property name="connection.timeout">50000</property>
        <property name="socket.timeout">50000</property>

Server-Side Encryption with S3

Support for Server-Side Encryption (SSE-S3) has been added as an alternative to Client-Side Encryption (CSE) as documented in the S3 Java SDK . This is enabled through the property nuxeo.s3storage.crypt.serverside=true.

GridFS as Part of the Default Distribution

GridFS is now part of the base distribution, in nuxeo-core. It will have to be activated explicitly using the gridfsbinaries template. There is no need to install an additional Nuxeo Package anymore. Read our MongoDB admin documentation for more information.

Elasticsearch Indexing Operations

Elasticsearch indexing operations are now available from Nuxeo Automation in addition to the Admin Center. Using a REST call you can now:

Allow Separate Repository DDL Generation

Nuxeo can now start with a new nuxeo.vcs.ddlmode parameter that specifies how the DDL for repository initialization should be executed at startup. Depending on the chosen mode, the DDL may not be executed at all and instead dumped to the log/ddl-vcs-default.sql log file. Possible values for nuxeo.vcs.ddlmode are:

For Nuxeo Platform 6.0 and Nuxeo Platform 7.10 the default was nuxeo.vcs.ddlmode=compat. For Nuxeo 8.1 the default is nuxeo.vcs.ddlmode=execute.

Note that all this applies to the DDL for the document repository, but not DDL used by other users of SQL in the platform (directories, quartz, JPA persistence).

Cluster Invalidation with Redis in nuxeo.conf

Using Redis to process cluster invalidation instead of database can be configured in nuxeo.conf using repository.clustering.invalidation=redis (it used to be in the repository contribution).