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8.3 Release Notes

For Users

Nuxeo Mobile for iOS

8.3 Nuxeo Mobile for iOS provides an out of the box mobile experience with any customized Nuxeo Platform server. It lets you access content stored on Nuxeo Platform servers on your phone. Nuxeo Mobile provides a seamless experience on essential features such as searching, browsing, previewing documents (typically images, videos, text documents and notes), and managing favorite documents.

Nuxeo Web UI Preview Edition

8.3 The Nuxeo Web UI has been rewritten entirely, switching from JSF stack to Web Component (HTML) / Polymer framework, with a completely re-designed interface. It will be available in preview edition for the Nuxeo Platform 8.3 and fully available along with the LTS 2016. It allows enhanced productivity with direct access to last visited documents, collections, easy browsing between prev/next document, full screen suggester. Effort has been made for making the tasks validation flow highly efficient. With all those improvements, Nuxeo Web UI is a first class choice for projects where visual and workflows are important requirements.

Instant Share

8.1 A new feature allows to invite users to a given folder of the Nuxeo Platform with either Read or Edit permission, by email. Invited users do not have an account on the Nuxeo Platform instance. The access is temporary and any access remains tracked in the audit log, based on the used email address. Read more in the documentation.

Nuxeo Live Connect for Box

8.1 Nuxeo Live Connect has been improved and now integrates with Box.com. Nuxeo Live Connect allows to easily reference files that are stored in the cloud and have them participate to your business processes. Check the Nuxeo Live Connect documentation for more information.

Nuxeo Live Connect for One Drive

8.2 Nuxeo Live Connect has been improved and now integrates with One Drive. Nuxeo Live Connect allows to easily reference files that are stored in the cloud and have them participate to your business processes. It offers as usual with Live Connect: direct download from the Microsoft Cloud, full text indexing etc. We also have come out with a generic One Drive Java client and a generic file picker as well. Check the Nuxeo Live Connect documentation for more information.

Users and Groups Management Audit

8.2 Creation, Update and deletion of users and groups actions are now logged into the audit trail of Nuxeo Platform.

Nuxeo Drive Optimisations

8.3 At initial synchronisation, the time needed to retrieve the documents is 4 times lower and the number of children synchronized in a folder is no more limited to 1000.

JSF Web UI Evolutions

New Previewers

8.2 Preview now offers to see office documents with pdf.js, video documents with video.js and images with a JavaScript client side viewer. Markdown documents are rendered in HTML. Preview is opened in a fancybox.

Placeless Document Can Be Browsed

8.2 Placeless documents like persisted renditions can now be browsed in the JSF UI without any crash.

User Feedback on Permission Management Tab

8.1 Feedback using the Polymer element paper-toast has been implemented on the Permissions tab. It is used on the create, update and delete permission actions, as well as on the "send notification email" action.

No More Error Stack Trace by Default

8.2 By default the traces are hidden in error pages of Nuxeo, for security reasons. In order to activate the traces display in error pages of Nuxeo, the dev mode has to be set: org.nuxeo.dev in nuxeo.conf or in the admin center.

Smart Search is Back

8.1 Smart Search, that allows users to build their own queries, has been re-integrated to the Search tab, consistently with other search options. Smart Search is delivered as a Nuxeo Package.

Confirmation Pop-up Before Purge

8.1 In the Admin Center, when removing the permissions of a given user, you now have to confirm on a pop-up that you really want to purge all the permissions.

Password Protection

8.2 When a user changes their password, they are now required to fill in the old password value.

See Assigned Groups Before Validating Invitation

8.2 When validating an invitation request, Administrator can now see the groups the user will be granted.

More Friendly "Http Transport returned a 0 status code" Error

8.1 When this error happens, the message is now displayed as a warning and translated in a more friendly way.

Do Not Checkout a Document When Putting It in the Trash

8.3 Now, putting a checked-in document in the trash will not check it out, thus not spuriously changing its quota size. This behavior can be also activated in Nuxeo 7.10 since HF10 using:

<extension target="org.nuxeo.runtime.ConfigurationService" point="configuration">
  <property name="org.nuxeo.trash.keepCheckedIn">true</property>

Nuxeo Explorer Improvements

8.3 We reviewed the browsing pattern, simplifying each view to navigate between Extension Points, Services, Operations, Components and Bundles. We've also extended the XML generation feature to help developers have a working sample. The documentation has been completed and will be maintained regularly.

CSV Importer Small Improvements

Import Time Reduction

8.3 Now, the time needed to import an element in a large collection has been greatly reduced.

Type Attribute Not Mandatory

8.2 Type attribute is not mandatory anymore when updating documents. It must be given only for document creation.

Possible to Redefine dc:created Attribute Value

8.2 It is now possible to set dc:created property using CSV importer. It used to be overridden with the date of import.

Nuxeo Spreadsheet

Locale is Respected

8.2 Locale setting is now taken into account when using Nuxeo Spreadsheet for the JSF Web UI.

No More Error Stack Trace

8.2 By default the traces are hidden in error pages of Nuxeo, for security reasons. In order to activate the traces display in error pages of Nuxeo, the dev mode has to be set ( org.nuxeo.dev in nuxeo.conf or in the Admin Center.)

Overriding Subject of the Permission Assignment Email Notification

8.2 It is now possible to override the subject of the notification that is sent when assigning a permission to someone on a given document. You need to override the label property label.subject.new.permission.

Documents Created by Copy Can Have Their Own Dublincore Schema Metadata Values

8.2 Metadata dc:creator, dc:creationDate, dc:modification and dc:contributors are now reseted for documents created from a template (workspace template). You can also enable this behavior for all kind of document copies by setting nuxeo.dclistener.reset-creator-on-copy configuration property to true.

Nuxeo Showcase Content

8.3 The Nuxeo Showcase Content addon imports a set of showcase content so that the repository is not empty for your first steps: office documents, images, videos. The content of this addon has been updated with new sample documents (reports, case studies, etc.). This addon is a good way to start with your Nuxeo Platform.