1.0.0 beta
.NET Client for Nuxeo Automation and REST API
▼NNuxeoClient | |
▼NAdapters | |
CAclAdapter | Represents an ACL Adapter that returns the ACLs of the target Document. |
CAdapter | Represents a WebAdapter, which transforms an input resource in another resource. An Adapter is applied to an NxEntity, and a different NxEntity is returned when a request is made to the server. |
CAuditAdapter | Represents an Audit Adapter that returns the audit trails records corresponding to the target Document. |
CBlobAdapter | Represents a Blob Adapter that returns blob corresponding to the Document attribute matching the Xpath. |
CBusinessAdapter | Represents a Custom Document adapter. |
CChildrenAdapter | Represents a Children Adapter, which returns the children of the target Document. |
CConvertAdapter | Represents a Convert Adapter, which converts target document blobs int other formats. |
CPPAdapter | Represents a Page Provider (PP) Adapter, which returns the result of the query corresponding to the named PageProvider. |
CQueryParams | Represents URL the parameters to be send in a query. |
CRenditionAdapter | Represents a Rendition Adapter, which returns the rendition of a blob. |
CSearchAdapter | Represents a Search Adapter, which returns paged results a . |
CTaskAdapter | Represents a Task Adapter. |
CWorkflowAdapter | Represents a Workflow Adapter, which returns workflow instances launched by current user. |
▼NWrappers | |
CBatch | Represents a remote batch in the Nuxeo server, to which one ore more files can be uploaded. |
CBatchFile | Encloses information about a file that was uploaded into a batch. |
CBatchInfo | This class provides information about a batch. |
CBatchOperation | Represents an Automation Operation to be performed on a batch. |
CBusinessObject | Represents a Business Object that is retrieved and created through a BusinessAdapter. |
CDocument | Represents a remote Document in a Nuxeo server. |
CDocuments | Represents a Documents entity, which contains a collection of Document. |
CEntity | Represents an entity obtained from the responses from the Nuxeo server. An Entity is represented by a JSON object, obtained from the server's response to a requests. Conversion between JSON and Native types is made by IMarshaller. A class extending Entity must should annotate with JsonPropertyAttribute every property that should be serialized. |
CEntityList | Represents a list of Entity. |
CInvalidEntityException | The exception that is thrown when a JSON object does not represent a valid Entity instance. |
CPageable | Represents a pageable version of the Documents object. |
CParamProperties | Represents a Dictionary<struct, JToken> structure to hold parameters operation parameters. |
CProperties | Represents a Dictionary<struct, JToken> to hold document properties. |
CUnknowEntity | Represents a nuxeo Entity with an unknown entity type. |
CAuthorization | Represents the Athorization credentials to be sent on every request to the nuxeo server. |
CBlob | Represents a blob, that might enclose a whole file or a chunk. |
▼CClient | A client that provides all the methods required to perform Automation operations and REST CRUD operations on an instance of the Nuxeo Server. |
CContentType | Type of content of a requests. |
CExtensionMethods | Extension methods used by NuxeoClient. |
CFailedHandshakeException | The exception that is thrown when the handshake between the Nuxeo client and the server fails. The handshake is performed whenever a new batch is requested from the server. |
CFailedToUploadException | The exception that is thrown when the uploader fails to upload a file to the Nuxeo server. |
CIMarshaller | Defines methods to marshal and unmarshal nuxeo object to and from JSON. |
CMarshaller | This object is responsible for the conversions between JSON objects received from the Nuxeo server and C# Nuxeo Objects. |
CMimeTypeMap | Provides a huge dictionary of file extensions to mime types. Taken from GitHub. |
COperation | Represents a Nuxeo Automation Operation. |
CServerException | The exception that is thrown when an instance of the Nuxeo server throws an exception. |
CUploader | Provides a cass for uploading files to a Nuxeo server. Files can be uploaded as a whole or in several chunks. |
CUploadJob | Represents an upload job, used either by the Uploader and the Batch classes. And upload job might refer to the upload of a whole file or a chunk of a file. |
CWebProxy | A simple class representing the WebProxy class, which is not yet implemented on the dotnet/corefx project. |