NuxeoDotNetClient  1.0.0 beta
.NET Client for Nuxeo Automation and REST API
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CAclAdapterRepresents an ACL Adapter that returns the ACLs of the target Document.
 CAdapterRepresents a WebAdapter, which transforms an input resource in another resource. An Adapter is applied to an NxEntity, and a different NxEntity is returned when a request is made to the server.
 CAuditAdapterRepresents an Audit Adapter that returns the audit trails records corresponding to the target Document.
 CBlobAdapterRepresents a Blob Adapter that returns blob corresponding to the Document attribute matching the Xpath.
 CBusinessAdapterRepresents a Custom Document adapter.
 CChildrenAdapterRepresents a Children Adapter, which returns the children of the target Document.
 CConvertAdapterRepresents a Convert Adapter, which converts target document blobs int other formats.
 CPPAdapterRepresents a Page Provider (PP) Adapter, which returns the result of the query corresponding to the named PageProvider.
 CQueryParamsRepresents URL the parameters to be send in a query.
 CRenditionAdapterRepresents a Rendition Adapter, which returns the rendition of a blob.
 CSearchAdapterRepresents a Search Adapter, which returns paged results a .
 CTaskAdapterRepresents a Task Adapter.
 CWorkflowAdapterRepresents a Workflow Adapter, which returns workflow instances launched by current user.
 CBatchRepresents a remote batch in the Nuxeo server, to which one ore more files can be uploaded.
 CBatchFileEncloses information about a file that was uploaded into a batch.
 CBatchInfoThis class provides information about a batch.
 CBatchOperationRepresents an Automation Operation to be performed on a batch.
 CBusinessObjectRepresents a Business Object that is retrieved and created through a BusinessAdapter.
 CDocumentRepresents a remote Document in a Nuxeo server.
 CDocumentsRepresents a Documents entity, which contains a collection of Document.
 CEntityRepresents an entity obtained from the responses from the Nuxeo server. An Entity is represented by a JSON object, obtained from the server's response to a requests. Conversion between JSON and Native types is made by IMarshaller. A class extending Entity must should annotate with JsonPropertyAttribute every property that should be serialized.
 CEntityListRepresents a list of Entity.
 CInvalidEntityExceptionThe exception that is thrown when a JSON object does not represent a valid Entity instance.
 CPageableRepresents a pageable version of the Documents object.
 CParamPropertiesRepresents a Dictionary<struct, JToken> structure to hold parameters operation parameters.
 CPropertiesRepresents a Dictionary<struct, JToken> to hold document properties.
 CUnknowEntityRepresents a nuxeo Entity with an unknown entity type.
 CAuthorizationRepresents the Athorization credentials to be sent on every request to the nuxeo server.
 CBlobRepresents a blob, that might enclose a whole file or a chunk.
 CClientA client that provides all the methods required to perform Automation operations and REST CRUD operations on an instance of the Nuxeo Server.
 CContentTypeType of content of a requests.
 CExtensionMethodsExtension methods used by NuxeoClient.
 CFailedHandshakeExceptionThe exception that is thrown when the handshake between the Nuxeo client and the server fails. The handshake is performed whenever a new batch is requested from the server.
 CFailedToUploadExceptionThe exception that is thrown when the uploader fails to upload a file to the Nuxeo server.
 CIMarshallerDefines methods to marshal and unmarshal nuxeo object to and from JSON.
 CMarshallerThis object is responsible for the conversions between JSON objects received from the Nuxeo server and C# Nuxeo Objects.
 CMimeTypeMapProvides a huge dictionary of file extensions to mime types. Taken from GitHub.
 COperationRepresents a Nuxeo Automation Operation.
 CServerExceptionThe exception that is thrown when an instance of the Nuxeo server throws an exception.
 CUploaderProvides a cass for uploading files to a Nuxeo server. Files can be uploaded as a whole or in several chunks.
 CUploadJobRepresents an upload job, used either by the Uploader and the Batch classes. And upload job might refer to the upload of a whole file or a chunk of a file.
 CWebProxyA simple class representing the WebProxy class, which is not yet implemented on the dotnet/corefx project.