Work with blobsΒΆ

Add a Blob to a file

When uploading a blob, you can choose to do a chunked upload by passing chunked=True to the upload method. If the file is too big (> constants.CHUNK_LIMIT) it will be chunked automatically even without this argument. An interrupted chunked upload can be resumed by relaunching the upload command with the same batch and blob.

from nuxeo.models import Document, FileBlob
from nuxeo.exceptions import UploadError

# Create a file
new_file = Document(
        'dc:title': 'foo',
file = nuxeo.documents.create(new_file, parent_path='/')

# Create and upload a blob
blob = FileBlob('/path/to/file')
    uploaded = nuxeo.uploads.upload(blob, chunked=True)
except UploadError:
    # The blob wasn't uploaded despite the 3 retries,
    # you can handle it however you like and relaunch
    # the same command

# Attach it to the file
operation ='Blob.AttachOnDocument')
operation.params = {'document': '/foo'}
operation.input_obj = uploaded