Useful snippets

Prevent an operation from sending back data

If you want to perform an operation and don’t care about getting data back (for example, attaching a blob to a document returns the blob, you might not want to download that big file), you need to set void_op to True which will add the right request header for you, and you’ll just get the status back.

operation ='Blob.AttachOnDocument')
operation.params = {'document':'/foo'}
operation.input_obj = uploaded
res = operation.execute(void_op=True)  # res will have no content

Enable Drive synchronization on a folder

This example enables the synchronization of a folder through Nuxeo Drive, but you can also run it on an entire Workspace.

operation ='NuxeoDrive.SetSynchronization')
operation.params = {
    'enable': True
operation.input_obj = '/My Folder'

Log something on the server

operation ='Log')
operation.params = {
    'level': 'info',
    'message': 'This is a log message'

Query the audit log

If you want to retrieve the audit logs starting from a specific lowerBound event id, you can query the audit system like this:

query = 'from LogEntry log where log.eventId >= '
query += lowerBound
query += ' order by log.eventDate DESC'

operation ='Audit.Query')
operation.params = {
    'query': query
results = operation.execute()